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Who is your favorite Steelers player?
Kordell Stewart Levon Kirkland Greg Lloyd Jerome Bettis Carnell Lake Donnell Woolford Jason Gildon Josh Miller Hines Ward Curtis Marsh Mike Tomczak Chris Oldham Chad Scott Tim Lester Myron Bell Dontae Jones Dermontti Dawson Brenden Stai Orpheus Roye Kevin Henry Will Wolford Mark Bruener Courtney Hawkins Will Blackwell Joel Steed Mike Vrabel A player not listed! All of them!
Do you watch every Steelers game? Of course! Hell no! Only when the local TV station carries the game. Watch it on TV??? I'm always AT the games! Who are the Steelers??? What is football???
Of course! Hell no! Only when the local TV station carries the game. Watch it on TV??? I'm always AT the games! Who are the Steelers??? What is football???
Why do you like the Steelers?
They're the BEST! I grew up watching them through the Glory Years (Super Bowls)! They're Cool. My "significant other" threatens me if I don't like them. I don't like them; I'm forced to subject myself to the Black and Gold because of my friends! Other
What do you think of the job Coach Cowher's done?
He's the best! I wish he was my dad! Coach Who? They have a cow for a coach? They have a cow for a coach!!!! He's made the best out of what he has to work with. We need a new friggin' coach!
Have you ever been to a Steelers game?
Nope, and I don't want to see those bums! No, but I'd like to go to one. Yes, and it was great! Not sure....
What should Ironic add to her Steelers page?
Nothing, just update it more often. Add sounds. Add more pictures. Add more links. Add good stuff! Something else, which I will note in the comment box below.
What do you think of my page?
Great Page!!!! It's Okay. It's great, so update it more often, dammit! It sucks rocks. It needs to be more original. It's very original.
How did you find my page?
I forgot. I don't really know.... Link from another Steelers page. Steelers Webring. Search Engine. Link From Another Non-Steelers page. OTHER
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