• Wednesday, September 22, 1999
Added links to FOOTBALL.COM
Another great site for football fans!
• Wednesday, September 15, 1999
Added ListBot email list to the page so I don't have to worry about bounce-backs
when I send out the Update Emails.
• Saturday, September 11, 1999
After taking a major break from updating the page over the summer, I've
finally given the site an uplift before the start
of the 1999 regular season. Besides, much of what happens in the
preseason has little or no effect on the regular
season. What matters is what happens from that first game and on.....
at least that's MY opinion.
You'll notice some great new graphics....
» New header graphic on the MAIN page.
Made this myself, and am damn proud of it!
» New helmet graphic. Yes, I know that previously, the steel
emblem was on the *wrong* side of the helmet, but I
had settled for the previous graphic (for a short while) because of it's
superior quality. After searching and
searching for a new graphic of equal quality and coming up empty-handed,
I decided to work with what I had and
see what I came up with. Well, you've seen what I got..... the steel
emblem is on the correct side, yet it's
"off-kilter", as I like to put it. I thought this gave the helmet
a unique, futuristic look. Then I blurred the entire
graphic. Overall, I'm pleased with it. Let me
know what you think!
» New divider line graphic. I call it the HR line graphic.
Made this myself, yet again. I think it just adds a little
something extra to the site than just your run-of-the-mill HR line.
» New imagemap graphic. I changed the helmet graphic in the
middle so it was PC (Politically Correct)(LOL)
and matched the other one above it.
» New ASG (All Sport Gold) Webring graphic.
» New LoveFootball.com
graphic. This is an exciting new site, dedicated to the FANS of football.
It kicks off on
Sunday, Sept. 12, 1999, with the first kickoff of the new season.
We've traded links, and plan to have a great
football relationship! You can also get a FREE web-based email address
@lovethesteelers.com!!!! Be sure to
check it out, starting on 9/12/99. (Mail me at ironic@lovethesteelers.com)
I updated a few links on the FAN page and MEDIA
I added a new section on the New STADIUM.
It has some pics, info, and links. Check it out!
And, last but NOT least..... Check out the updated 1999 BROWNS
Team Photo -- you may see the *same old
faces* LOL, but the comments have changed. I'm ready to continue
the rivalry!!!
• Saturday, April 10, 1999
Added 1999 Draft information to News page.
Added 1999 Schedule. Also added a printer-friendly
page. Both include Pre-Season games.
Added the Steelers Store. It has links to Amazon.com
for Steelers-related books, videos, and music. I hope to
one day include other Steelers merchandise, such as clothing.
Added the Steelers Store to the imagemap.
Added the latest news to the News page.
• Tuesday, January 5, 1999
Made and added *new* imagemap on main page to replace the text links.
Conserves space and looks nicer.
Linked together Fan and Media Link pages on the new Links
page through the imagemap.
I removed the Email page which featured email from fans.
Other small things were changed or added throughout the season -- not major
enough to mention here.
• Saturday, September 5, 1998
Updated Pictures Page..... smoothed out the layout
and added some new pics to Cowher's
page, Kordell's page, and Bettis' page. Also added some pics for
Wolford, Strzelczyk,
and Vrabel.
Added a Video page with links to videos on the
net.... Featured is Nike's Kordell and Bettis
QuickTime videos.
• Saturday, July 25, 1998
Updated 1998-1999 Cleveland Browns Team PHOTO.
Added August 1st Pre-Season Hall of Fame game on the "Next Game" Table
Added Steelers FORUM.
I felt this was a great tool to have on the page. Fans can use it
look for Steelers items ("classifieds", if you will....), unload tickets
to games, find tickets to
Added Ironic's Steelers CHAT Room. I think
this is the most exciting addition to this page
since the survey. It'll be a great place to meet after the game or
the big news to discuss, sulk,
bask in the glory, say "I told you so...", and lots, lots more!
• Wednesday, July 15, 1998
Added news to the NEWS page.
• Sunday, June 14, 1998
Added a new subpage..... Steelers EMAIL Page.
Fixed a few broken links.
• Sunday, April 5, 1998
Added a few new links to the FAN Page.
Added late-breaking news on the NEWS Page.
Took the word "Slash" out of Kordell Stewart's name on my PICTURES
Page, at the urging
of a fan who said, "Make no mistake, KORDELL STEWART is the STEELER
Thanks, Kevin.
• Friday, April 3, 1998
Just a little dusting-off of the ol' faithful Steelers page to let you
all know that I haven't
forgotten about it or you...
Nothing major done this time around.... just tweaked a few things, wordings,
etc. Nothing
new to add. -- I lied! I just found the '98 Schedule! -- Looking
for news, etc. about players
and next season. If you have something to add, mail it to me.
Added a few new links to the FAN Page. Check
them out!
Added Football Link Exchange Banner to MAIN page.
Added 1998 Schedule!!!
Added a second PageCount Counter for a contest. (Ignore the # of
hits on it.)
Added a NEW section: Steelers NEWS.
Check it out!!!
Added a Printer-Friendly 1998 Season Schedule. Friendly
Well, I guess I did a little more than I thought I did when I updated this
page. Lucky you!
• Sunday, December 28, 1997
A few things were added between the last update and this one, and I forgot
to mention
them here.... I was too worried about getting the stuff uploaded to take
the time here.
Added a Post Season schedule to the SCHEDULE Page and MAIN
Created and added the POST SEASON Page, which
has injury reports and other info.
Finished and uploaded the MEDIA Page.
Finished and uploaded the FAN Page.
• Tuesday, September 30, 1997
Reworked PICTURE Page...... it took too long
to load up with ALL the pictures on
one page. Now, there are links to each of the different players for
whom I have pictures.
Added "Update Notice via Email" on MAIN Page.
• Thursday, September 18, 1997
Made and uploaded SCHEDULE Page.
Uploaded PICTURE Page and corresponding GIF's/JPeg's.
• Wednesday, September 17, 1997
Added PageCount Counter banner on MAIN Page.
• Monday, September 15, 1997
Uploaded MAIN Page and corresponding GIF's
Questions? Comments? Mail them to Ironic.
This page was made with Netscape Navigator® 4.0.
This page is the property of Ironic, © 1999.
This page is hosted by Tripod.
Gooooooo STEELERS!